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A podcast series relating to the world of Mechanical Keyboards, recorded with real Mechanical Keyboard enthusiasts.

Your comments and feedback is always appreciated!

We now have a Patreon! You can find it here:

If you like our Podcasts and would like to help support our hosting costs with a direct donation, your support would be appreciated via our link.

You can also help support our costs by buying some merchandise though Redbubble : Here.

Alternatively for US based listeners, our TeeSpring front is : here

Thank you so much for listening!

Our awesome Logo, Header, and Background Art was created by /u/Oddisy and /u/OutragedPudding (Reddit)

Our YouTube Channel is: Here.

Our Facebook is : Here.

Our iTunes link is: Here.

The Board has several kinds of episodes (just to mix it up!)

  • One on One (Interview type, ~30min)
  • Focus Group (~3 people, 2-3 topics, very focused discussion, ~30min)
  • Boardroom (4-6 people, loose agenda, more casual discussion on wide range of things, ~1hr)
  • Specials - One off episodes on something related to Mechanical Keyboards.

Aug 11, 2018

This week, Kevin is on the move for work, and therefore I run my mouth off solo.

Stuff I talk about this week:

- DSS! (

- KUMO Kickstarter Update (

- DAS Banhammer (

- Expectations versus Reality (

- Box Royal Click (

- Inspiration and Homage ( ,

Don't forget this month's Keebio competition, and Thanks to all our Patreons for continuing to support us through thick and thin.

Our Instagram is at

Don't forget, at 2000 subscribers, we're doing a CozCaps giveaway! So check out our YouTube if you haven't and subscribed!


You can also catch us on Patreon ( and if you'd like to shout us some coffee, you can do so now at


So, until next time, Happy Clacking :)