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A podcast series relating to the world of Mechanical Keyboards, recorded with real Mechanical Keyboard enthusiasts.

Your comments and feedback is always appreciated!

We now have a Patreon! You can find it here:

If you like our Podcasts and would like to help support our hosting costs with a direct donation, your support would be appreciated via our link.

You can also help support our costs by buying some merchandise though Redbubble : Here.

Alternatively for US based listeners, our TeeSpring front is : here

Thank you so much for listening!

Our awesome Logo, Header, and Background Art was created by /u/Oddisy and /u/OutragedPudding (Reddit)

Our YouTube Channel is: Here.

Our Facebook is : Here.

Our iTunes link is: Here.

The Board has several kinds of episodes (just to mix it up!)

  • One on One (Interview type, ~30min)
  • Focus Group (~3 people, 2-3 topics, very focused discussion, ~30min)
  • Boardroom (4-6 people, loose agenda, more casual discussion on wide range of things, ~1hr)
  • Specials - One off episodes on something related to Mechanical Keyboards.

Mar 18, 2018

This week, for unknown circumstances, Don does a solo episode, covering two weeks of stuff. So, its really super condensed, or either very light on content, you decide!

- Overhyped, underhyped? (

- Agora Market Update (

- Are you good at cryptography? (

- Tactility Mod discussion addition (

- Creativity and padlepop sticks (

- XDA Scrabble (

- MassDrop CTRL (

- FC660C Aluminium Prototype (

- New Podcast in town, Keebtown (

Don't forget the monthly Keebio contest is still running too.

We've also now got an Instagram at

You can also catch us on Patreon ( and if you'd like to shout us some coffee, you can do so now at

So, until next time, Happy Clacking :)